Speaker 1: (00:00)
[inaudible] [inaudible]

Speaker 2: (00:39)
alright, phones are open. (505) 510-4226 and the topic tonight is some boring athlete who says the world's flat and it's only noteworthy because he's an athlete I guess. I think they're only pointing it out cause he's a boxer and so they want to make the association. Oh he's been hit in the head a lot. So obviously he's a flatter Arthur so I almost don't want to even mention it because it sounds like a setup anyway, a few other things worth discussing, things that we haven't brought up yet. Things that need to be discussed. Um, let's see here. Here's a few things leading up to the area. 51 CYOP, which was just a completely left. That was a simulation. If anything that was just done for the military to practice. What happens if some internet craze triggers a mass movement or something? It had to be, nobody even showed up.

Speaker 2: (01:38)
No one even showed up. There were 75 people, uh, but leading up to it, the Navy was releasing videos of Thai fighters and flying saucers and some big triangular thing in outer space. Like they're really pushing UFO belief and I think it was part of the same simulation you see, I think their war gaming just like they were war game with asteroids. I think they've been wargaming UFO scenarios and they're all connected together. So here they are a few weeks ago on Fox news, pretending that they see UFO is, it's actually the Navy. So this is from a pilot's owned dash and this is Fox news, you know, totally taken it seriously.

Speaker 3: (02:31)
The U S David has made a stunning admission. Naval officials yesterday confirmed at three separate UFO videos released by the New York times in 2017 and previewed on the show are actually genuine. They do.

Speaker 2: (02:41)
Okay. So that would be Tucker Carlson. Then here we go. He's um, basically the right wing version of Rachel Maddow, a little matter. I don't know if he makes more sense, but when you actually look at this, what you're really seeing I think is just simulation. And war gaming. That's all interesting though that it ties in cause they use this look, Navy continues to track you. If foes is area 51 raid still looms. So this was again just fiction. It's a fictional event, which is what they called it when they were originally drilling, doing drills for asteroids that involved in these drills. We're involving not only FEMA but ESA and the ISS.

Speaker 2: (03:36)
And speaking of drills, there was something that came up today that had to do with the ISS and the hole that was drilled into it by one of the Russians. We're gonna find that one because a, that's still a story. We're still waiting for the ISS to go down. It is the 33rd anniversary. Yeah. The military did threaten to bomb the millennial storming area 51 they sent out a tweet insinuating that if there was a rush, there would be a bombing. And one person did actually rate it and she got arrested. It was a 60 year old woman who walked about a half a mile into the base.

Speaker 2: (04:21)
Now we have these, uh, angry young climate change activists. So Gretta thunbergii, she's an activist, basically an environmentalist version of David hog now that just blaming you, they're blaming the older generation, a typical communist ploy, young against old, you ruin the world. You flooded it with guns. Now it's unsafe. And they have these kids lecturing us and it's like, well, they're just regurgitating the propaganda. They live in a simulation. So I mentioned the triangular shaped craft as seen from the ISS. I watched it and it's pretty much either um, intentionally inserted or it's some type of, uh, an editing issue in final cut pro. There's not an object. This is not actually a view of earth from space. It's kind of a joke. Some people still believe it's real. And those of you who still pretend to believe that what the ISS is showing is real.

Speaker 2: (05:28)
Two things. One, just because ISS is fake, it doesn't mean the earth is flat. Like we understand that. I'm not making that argument, but it's this, when are you going to admit that everything that you see on TV and even in your video games is way more realistic than what they show us? When are you going to stop pretending like their phony little theater is real? It's really bad these days. Russia refuses to tell NASA what caused mystery leak on the I S S quote, we won't tell you anything. Now, this ties into the whole plot, which I see having been following this, a scripted plot, which involves the ISS being taken down for the same reasons that the twin towers will be taken down. It's an attack on a certain worldview and in this case it's this solidarity where America is still an outlier in so several important ways, namely where something of a pariah because we haven't completely kowtow to the environmentalist's and that's what they're working on with these kids going outside and marching with signs and blaming us, we didn't recycle enough so now the planet is going to die.

Speaker 2: (06:46)
There's studies out that say that millennials are college students would have you call them. Most of them believe the world's going to end in 2030 they are living in the end times. It's worse than Christianity because they claim and in fact they're granted this. They claim to have the backing of science and they don't know where the science ends and where the religion begins. We live in something of a, a theocracy. If you really get down to her. Okay, here he is boxing champ. Carl Froch says earth is flat and the whole planet has been sold a lie. See, I just don't know if I'm, this is a good or a bad thing. I think it's interesting. I'm going to look at it. But this thing about celebrities drop in the flat bomb is kinda misleading. So he may say, Oh, we've all been lied to about this, but then he believes everything else kinda like Vegas strong. Eddie Bravo. So he can call the moon landing fake. Say the earth is flat, but he can't tell that the nightly news is not only fake, but it has the same agenda as the space program. Like they don't see the big picture, you know what I mean?

Speaker 2: (08:02)
The thirst for truth says ISS goes down and they can enforce their fake space force. Exactly. It's the next thing. It's like a new form of counter terrorism. This is their new Pearl Harbor event, the space station going down. And here's why I think it's going to be the Russians one. Um, because they have something ready for these kamikaze satellites. And too, um, I, I think it's because this has always been the game plan that they were never enemies. American, Russia have never been enemies in space. This has always been part of a plan. But I think the agenda, the agenda here is break up the international solidarity about outer space and then give complete control to the Russian and Chinese. Basically. I think that's how it's going to be. And um, when it goes down it's going to obviously, you know, burn up. It'll outrage a whole lot of people.

Speaker 2: (08:53)
I thought they planned to do it earlier and maybe boarded it because you remember they almost had to shut it down because they weren't able to send a refueling ship in time. They didn't think they were going to have it refilled and those Russians had to abort and it was right after the hole. Another interesting thing, interesting point here. After they found the hole in the ISS, one of the astronauts accidentally dialed nine one one from space. They said he butt dialed it. Obviously that can't happen. Obviously it's fake. So why was it reported? Well, take these stories together. Uh, drill the hole nine one one. It kind of seems like they're pref. They're setting the stage for the next big incident that will create some type of international CYOP. And that's what made nine 11 nine 11. It becomes an international event. This is also symbolic of the fall of the tower of Babylon, which United all nations under one common tongue to ascend from the earth to space. The common tongue is the internet, obviously. Hey caller, this is the first call of the night. And so the topic tonight, um, I think it's boxing champ. Carl Froch says the earth is flat. Uh, do you think, uh, first of all, do you agree?

Speaker 4: (10:16)
That's a good question. This is Tim shirts by the way. Hey IPS, thanks for taking my call. Um, good to see them coming out and saying something other than the mainstream. Um, if, like you said though, it could be a sigh op with him getting punched in the head a lot.

Speaker 2: (10:30)
They made that argument with Logan Paul before Logan Paul admitted it. They admitted that it was a joke. They said, well, obviously it's because he's been punched in the head, which is kind of funny now that he came out and he said it was just a joke. So now it's like, well then what do you blame in? What do you blame it on? It's just crazy how they, they want to find an organic dysfunction to explain it. They don't want you to think that there's a reason for it.

Speaker 4: (10:54)
Yeah. The more I think about it, the more I do think it is flat to be honest. Um, it's just, it's, I don't know that whole thing about it. Wrapping around and then flying around the sun doesn't really compute in my mind especially, but I think they're hiding a lot. Uh, I think this is just like the public land, what we see on the world maps and, um, we're kind of all cuddled into here. But, um, good question. Yeah, I, I, I, I don't believe the mainstream for a second. I know that everyone who was thousand, the globe model can't prove it. They just think that if the science has been settled. So it's really just, um, state sanctioned religion at this point.

Speaker 2: (11:36)
Yeah. That's kinda my take. And I'm not really all that emotionally invested. So some of them come at me and they're like, I really want to confront you about your lack of globe belief. And I'm like, I really don't understand a lot of it. And it's like, I dunno, the globe works in mysterious ways.

Speaker 4: (11:52)
I wouldn't be mad if it was either one,

Speaker 2: (11:54)
but, um, I haven't been convinced by the mainstream science who has had all this time to um, put together their story. And, uh, I think I saw Tim Osman in the chat, um, the other day he was saying to you that he was open minded, but the flat side had it made a compelling point. And to that I say, you know, it's just some, some people questioning the authorities versus, you know, the propaganda machine in all of its resources over centuries. So it's hard to compete with that. Well, he, he, he, he is correct in certain aspects when it comes to, there isn't a cohesive theory behind flat earth that can be competing or said to be better than the globe earth theory as far as what's accepted today. And of course it's all based on appeal. So authority, which that's really the issue here. Do we accept this particular authority? And you and I are obviously not accepting it.

Speaker 4: (12:52)
Not at all. Not at all. But um, yeah, we can get back to this. I wanted to comment on something before I forgot it. With the a nine 11 and the upcoming possible next big uh, event.

Speaker 2: (13:03)
Oh yeah, yeah. I'm thinking it's the ISS, as I've said before, I mean, look, 33 years since the challenger, you know, there's gotta be a new event that presale is the next advance in the space program. You had the three guys roasting in the launchpad, then we go to the moon. You got the challenger with the seven, then we master low earth orbit. So I think before we can have the space hotels and the lunar colonies and Marsh and colonies, I think they're going to have another ritual. Immolation slash. Burning

Speaker 4: (13:34)
I think so too. And I don't know if you've seen all the predictions online. The um, the rumor mills are, are kind of heating up in relation to um, November the third what should be like at 33 date, 11, three. And um, people are saying that Seattle's got, might get nuked and I, I don't know if that's true, but I did, um, find this other information from a channel called friends of David Goldberg, which might just be a Lark. I've covered it on my channel, but um, he has four dates in his notes that were released like speak ago. They say this guy died and his friends took over the channel. But um, it does seem suspect definitely. But there's the 11, three days there as well as well as 1216 of this year, four, four of next year, end of next year. So I'm all like that in the chat if anyone wants to check it out.

Speaker 2: (14:27)
LOD. And the only reason we focused on these dates is because we've noticed patterns. And I've, I'm kind of looking at 11, nine as a particularly nine 11 E date nine one one 11 nine. Now Zack Hubbard by the way, had his YouTube channel shutdown.

Speaker 4: (14:45)
Yeah, I saw that. He just set up a new one. I don't know if you saw as a new one, but yeah, he had thousands and thousands of that blocked the ability to follow him, which is worse. I'm like, maybe something's on the horizon.

Speaker 2: (14:56)
Well that's, that's uh, that's gotta be a barometer though. I mean it's one thing to unequivocally say this was a hoax. This was fake, but Hubbard was doing almost a quasi mystical interpretation of the news using ancient calculations based on numerology. So I don't know where that could possibly violate the terms of service or, we know

Speaker 4: (15:19)
he was definitely cool and that's what I liked about him. You know, I couldn't get on board with all of the numbers stuff, but he did see patterns and um, it was interesting. I've learned a lot from him. Like one thing he brought in 11, if you did the geometry on Osama bin Ladin and Chris Kyle, it comes out to 110 in English, ordinal and 47 in reduced or Pythagorean. And those are the Heights of the twin towers and building seven respectively. And I, I just think that's, um, and they both came out to one 10 47 Osama bin Ladin and Chris Kyle. Uh, but yeah. Did you see what uh, Zach got?

Speaker 2: (15:55)
No, I don't know what they got him for. I know that there was a,

Speaker 4: (15:58)
Oh, I do, I it was the, um, it was the, I don't know if you saw Marianne Williamson or whatever her name is, um, came out or they, they were slandering here recently in the press for not denouncing, um, Israel's like Israeli BRC on nine 11. And he was like, why don't you bring up, uh, the dancing Israelis? And that's all he said in his video. And it got, um, taken down for hate speech.

Speaker 2: (16:26)
Oh, that's interesting. Wait a minute. Tensing rallies, wasn't that OSI up in itself?

Speaker 4: (16:32)
I, I, it could have been, it could have been, but it was, it was interesting. There's a bunch of 'em FBI and police documents that had been foiled about, um, people, you know, filming and celebrating the event and then they look into it and there, um, people here on visas from Israel after their IDs service and then they even did like a lie detector test and has the kinda hit and miss results, uh, when they asked them, did you know about this event and do you have any intelligence? Um,

Speaker 2: (17:05)
Oh, I see. I see. I see. Now that's fascinating because there was a group from Israel that was it called gelatin, the art group that may have been involved in the whole the jumper thing and the people waving.

Speaker 4: (17:17)
Yeah. There's photos that people have, uh, sent to me. I don't, I can't validate it of, uh, they say it's Israeli art students. Why are in the building with, um, you know, on that floor that had got hit. I can't play it away.

Speaker 2: (17:31)
Well, here's what I think they do. I think they plant enough evidence for you to come to the conclusion, depending on which path you take and who you listen to that it was either done by the Jews or the Bush family with the air, with the Arabs, or possibly by the reptilians, like they always have multiple storylines and multiple scapegoats. Same thing with Kennedy. This is classic, so you don't know who did it. Even with Nipsey, it's like, was it the Crips? Was it this mentally ill guy? Was it the cops? And I see all these,

Speaker 4: (18:01)
you could even say for JFK who it was, I mean there's theories that it was the driver theories and ms JackieO theories that it was a lone gunman theory about the people in the grassy Knolls, the theory that he wasn't even killed, which a lot of us are kind of looking at seriously now.

Speaker 2: (18:17)
Yeah. What makes that one very, very, I think attractive to me is the fact that nobody even saw the damn Zapruder film for 12 years.

Speaker 5: (18:27)
Yeah, that's a lot of time.

Speaker 4: (18:30)
Although that seems like a hard footage to fake. But yeah, they can do anything in the movies.

Speaker 2: (18:36)
Well, hard to fake when you, when you actually have it, like, look, there's other stuff around it that I found very questionable. But when you actually look at the footage, there's some strange things like people facing the wrong direction in waving and there are crisis actors. There's one crisis actor. And it's interesting because it's all in black and white old film. And she's talking about how she saw the president, he was petting his dog one minute and waving at her and then you got shot. Like it's, it's as bad as the crisis acting today.

Speaker 4: (19:04)
Right. And I was listening, man. I was going to ask you if I could use, I'll send you a side note if I can show this to my, my audience and, uh, get people over to your channel, but your calls doing the news tips. Uh, there was one hysterical phone call where you were like, I'm talking to a woman taking news tips and you said something about you saw a man wearing a headscarf, screaming Allah Akbar. And, um, she's like, sorry, you'll have to go to the police department and you asked, um, is that how you're like, that's weird. I didn't know that's how it works. What about the crisis actor?

Speaker 2: (19:41)
Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 4: (19:43)
I thought that was super funny cause they always just put them right up. They run them in front of the camera and we'll just run whatever they say. Um, you know, it makes you think, it's like when you call over the phone, they don't listen to you. They tell you to go to the police. But if you're there at the scene, um, but also, uh, I wanted to add a comment about nine 11. I don't know if you saw this, uh, you know that John Stewart guy, he went in front of Congress having a hissy fit because people didn't show up for his testimony or whatever about never forget the heroes victim compensation fund.

Speaker 2: (20:15)
Yeah, yeah. You're talking about, you're talking about the guy from I'm the late night show. The government gesture. Yeah. Yeah. He's the one, he's been went back then when nine 11 came out, everybody was watching him for his reaction. And now he's going out there to get all that attention for being a crisis actor and nobody gives a damn. And he's like pretty butthurt. It'd be like, if you like David hog, you know, showing up to an empty auditorium, he'd be outraged. But

Speaker 4: (20:41)
people, people did care. That's the, that's the thing. It was all a sigh out. He was just pretending like Congress care, they were probably in on it. But then CNN on all the CBS, NBC, they all ran with the story. And even my mother who only pays attention to the mainstream news as like, she knows, she knows that I'm interested in nine 11 and she's like, did you see John Stewart? So they, it was a big, um, mass media [inaudible] to get this bill passed and he complained that there weren't, um, people interested in, in getting the victims in the, for the heroes, uh, aid. But there's 332 co-sponsors on this bill and the house out of four 50. Okay.

Speaker 2: (21:20)
Bailey, I got a question though. I've got a question here about this whole thing. C, um, some people are under the impression and many nine 11 conspiracy theories are that there was something special in the quality of the way that it just was destroyed. Some kind of chemical or component within the incendiary, which gave people a certain

Speaker 4: (21:39)

Speaker 2: (21:40)
Yeah. The, or something that gave people a syndrome that later gave them. Okay. Now that's the part that I am really starting to question because the more I look at the smoke, it reminds me of smoke generators used by movie studios or specifically by the military for cover. For concealment.

Speaker 4: (21:59)
Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. I'm, I'm tempted, they just overdid the explosives to make sure it came down into its footprint symmetrically at three falls. Well, I don't know if they, I think they just wanted to make sure that it was traumatic and you know, having a hole in the top of a building, it doesn't really do that as there's being pulverized in clouding over the city. But, um, the reason I bring this up and only 12 people, only a out of the 550 representatives who voted on this in both chambers, um, only 14 said no and like 500 said yes. So it was all just the charade. And, um, now they're coming out and they're trying to get everybody in New York to take advantage of this, this bill, which crossed through the 4.2 billion in funding and says, Oh, that's not enough. We already ate through that. Now unlimited funding through 20, 20, 90. So it's just a medical mafia takeover of our government and a, I'm sure they're selling all these like hundred dollar bandages and there's marking up everything because the taxpayer's paying for it. And I just think that they're the biggest criminals out there.

Speaker 2: (23:03)
It's gotta be, it's organized crime a hundred percent. And I found it interesting too, when I went to go visit a Scientology center and I was given the grand tour and they showed me the theater room and as a way of kind of like, you know, willing new people, they show them this film and it was Scientology responds to nine 11 and it had all these Scientologists in yellow vests at ground zero giving quote stress tests to the nine 11 first responders and to people in shock. And I watch and there was footage of him there and I'm like, how did the church of Scientology get permission to hang out backstage at nine 11 and interact with the people involved to do a a PR thing about how they're, I guess some type of like emergency response organization. Now I'm definitely shows though that this whole thing is a big theatrical production and Scientology is intimately connected with Hollywood and the whole operation.

Speaker 4: (24:02)
Yeah, yeah. Well now they're trying to get a, they're sending out letters to w you know, more than 20,000 um, students and teachers in New York. And I'm sure there's lots of other new Yorkers who can take advantage of this program. Um, but it's just, I mean it's more debt. This is all gonna come back to bite us with hyperinflation. I feel like sooner or later. But uh, one last thing, could you see that a new story that they've been pumping in the press a lot about the um, army soldier serving in Kansas. Shared bomb making instructions online.

Speaker 2: (24:33)
No idea.

Speaker 4: (24:33)
He's got it. He's got a charge 20 years in prison and a fine of up to 250,000 if convicted. And um, this was interesting. I thought I'd be in this, you know how the FBI agents will like talk to people and kind of eczema on and get them to, to escalate and then use that against them.

Speaker 2: (24:55)
Oh yeah. They're all, they're all provocateurs. Absolutely. I used to the federal Bureau of investigation.

Speaker 4: (25:02)
Exactly. This is the quote that the news is all running with you under an undercover FBI agent asked this guy, Smith said, quote, you got anyone down in Texas that would be a good fit for fire destruction in death. I mean, it's just such a strange question.

Speaker 2: (25:20)
It is. They have to use those key words though. And it sounds childish and stupid, but this was a, this is entrapment. This was a, this is a trap 100%,

Speaker 4: (25:30)
right? A thought grind trap. And this guy says, I'm outside of beta a question Mark. I don't know enough people that would be relevant enough to cause a change if they died. And it's not even really, I mean, the way he worded it isn't even a threat. And um, I don't know. They're really starting to push the lines and, and try to make things into thought crimes and dismantle any chance of people coming together and, you know, joining, joining together. Um, that the, I don't know. I just kinda wanted to hear what you thought about that.

Speaker 2: (26:03)
Well, I have noticed that there had been a number of false while rather anoxia. There were a number of shootings that were prevented in advance by quick snitches and police action and intervention, a number of these things. And so they're going to show more and more intervention so people feel like they've been saved. And I guess they get this group of Pete, this of a population acclimated to the idea that pre crime works. And that's definitely where they're going. And it's also interesting to note that, you know, we've been talking about these death fakers and there's the rapper who we've associated with two different stage deaths. One of them being in one in Florida and one was used as a pretext to give the police the right to spy on minors through Facebook in Chicago they called it operation crew cut. And then the other one had to do with mental health awareness and Parkland. So there's an agenda here that has to do with I think getting people afraid of self radicalized individuals snow longer, just the Qur'an. It's basically any ideology and the lone gunman threat always seems to work.

Speaker 4: (27:15)
And also self-censorship, people are worried about they're going to get scooped up or have their door knocked in or get on a chemical. Uh, lobotomies but I'm mom, I'm a big advocate of the first amendment. Congress shall pass, no law abridging freedom of speech. So I, I think people should even be able to threaten somebody directly. They should be able to instigate violence. They should be able to exchange how to make bombs. Um, if they're gonna do an act of violence, that's a crime. But you know, they're really starting, like you said, to new things before the crime so that they can, you know, act before anything goes wrong. Um, and there, there's gonna be a lot of false positives. Let's be real, um,

Speaker 2: (27:57)
with what, with what

Speaker 4: (27:59)
[inaudible] or, um, policing.

Speaker 2: (28:02)
Oh yeah, yeah. The absolutely there already is. I mean, look how corrupt the whole system is anyway. Look how many people get thrown away for things they didn't do. And I saw some story recently, I looked into the subject of trans racial disguises and bank robberies and you can find going back years, um, blacks posing as whites and vice versa, robbing banks and getting away with it. And sometimes a suspect who resembles the person in the mask getting arrested.

Speaker 4: (28:31)
You fit the description. Yeah. It's, um, the example you gave the other day out of that movie, um, something thunder, uh, with Robert Downey jr, um, was pretty good. I mean that looks more realistic than, well, I'm not going to say cause just in case the weekend is a real person. But, um, if they could do that in the movies, they could do that to Justin Bieber. But, um,

Speaker 2: (28:54)
did, did you see what happened this weekend though with so this weekend with Justin Trudeau in Canada, I go into the Drudge report and it says Justin, is that you? Canada shocked and you see Justin Trudeau and black face and I'm like, wait, what are the odds that here we are talking about Justin Beaver performing as the weekend as a side gig on the weekends and before that can get really mainstream and start to catch on because it's starting to catch up.

Speaker 4: (29:20)
Canadian Justin comes out with blackface. Yeah, that's great.

Speaker 2: (29:23)

Speaker 4: (29:24)
And um, yeah I think it is damage control to some extent, but, or maybe it's just a coincidence. I don't know. But um, it is, it is very interesting. And, um, shoot, I was going to say something. Go ahead.

Speaker 2: (29:38)
That movie was called Tropic thunder and that very convincing. Uh, my, I saw that one and we've encountered a few other things, but what we're talking about broadly though I think is the topic of like, you know, deep fakes. And I think one of the reasons why this is so upsetting as far as like disruptive is that if we can expose a single fake, we'll say a shooting or a fake terror attack, it kind of puts everything else, you know, up for grabs. Now everything can be questioned. And if we can find one example of a shape shifting reptilian celebrity will, how many others might fit that description? And I happen to think that these stories about clones and reptiles and mind controlled celebrities and people in the news and politicians, I think that's all just cover for what we're in covering now, which is the real deep fakes. And I'm seeing so many articles about deep fakes and none of them mentioned 3d hyper-realistic masks. They focus on the digital.

Speaker 6: (30:38)
Yeah, it's a fascinating subject.

Speaker 4: (30:39)
And you're doing pioneering, trailblazing work there. They're definitely keep it up. And, um, that's pretty much all I had to go over. I am curious though, before we wrap up, what are your thoughts on nine 11? Because I, I'm still just convinced that those, those towers blew up and I know that the planes didn't do at all, but, um,

Speaker 2: (31:01)
well I don't even think, look, I don't think that there were any, uh, planes, uh, I think that was a CGI layer that was superimposed over a live feed with a 16 second delay.

Speaker 4: (31:14)
I think so too. You can see footage of it popping out the other side. But, um, do you think the buildings were CGI or just the Plains?

Speaker 2: (31:21)
Well, I think the buildings were probably, well actually I 33 years in the planning. This thing wasn't designed to happen like a week before they did it. Pinnock didn't just decide, Hey, let's do this one. This was scripted in a long, long time in advance. So I think it was probably not as robust a structure as we would think. It may have been more hollow. How many floors were actually vacuous or empty? I don't know. But I think it was just a standard demolition with a whole lot of smoke generators and other effects. But I think he was mostly just smoke and mirrors and CGI.

Speaker 4: (31:56)
You could be right. And one more thing before I go look at the buildings that blew up one, two and seven. And if you look at the date of Pearl Harbor, 12 seven December 7th. So, uh, thanks for taking my call. I'll let, uh, I'll clear the air.

Speaker 6: (32:12)
Awesome. All right. Thanks man.

Speaker 2: (32:15)
Alright, that's Tim true then Tim, if you on drop your channel in there, everybody should subscribe. I want to get in the habit. In fact, you know what, I should just start doing, I should program night bot to drop links to other channels of callers or people. And you're welcome to add your channel to auto hooks.com the pre scripting, the numerology, that's what gives away their, they're staged. Hey, what's up color? Uh, what are your thoughts on the topic of this boxer becoming a flat earth? Or is it just a way for him to get attention?

Speaker 7: (32:49)
It's just another lost soul swimming in a fish bowl. My friend.

Speaker 2: (32:53)
So do you think it was um, from being punched in the head?

Speaker 7: (32:59)
No, no. There's all kinds of people that will fall for this shit and we've seen it for years and years and years obviously.

Speaker 2: (33:07)
Well, what I'm not doing, and you may have noticed this, I am not advancing bad arguments as in [inaudible].

Speaker 7: (33:17)
I will say that you just represented me probably the best I've ever heard you. I've heard a lot of uh, misquotes and misnomers and straight out lies from you before. But what you said to that last caller was, uh, you know, there isn't, in my opinion, there isn't really a flat earth model to actually look at and in my opinion, uh, you can go and test the globe no matter if the mainstream is talking about the globe or showing us pictures of what you can go and test it yourself cause it's our reality. So I appreciate that you said that. That was actually really well said.

Speaker 2: (33:50)
Well, what I meant specifically though is about the term theory and the idea of the best possible explanation. And you cannot argue that an incoherent, contradictory, conflicting theory that nobody really has a full grasp on because no one's been to the edge. You can't say that's competitive with the one that we have.

Speaker 7: (34:10)
Yeah. And like I've shown before, um, I, I take, uh, the glow are basically time and date or any map model projection or whatever, and it's all based off the spherical earth. So you can make it into an a projection. You can make it into gall Peters. You can make it into a, the simulation monkeys over there. Did Jason or Ronnie there? Um, topographical, whatever map that is. I can't think of it right now, but

Speaker 2: (34:39)
I think Ronnie's mental. I think Ronnie's the topographical, but I'm not sure [inaudible]

Speaker 7: (34:43)
it says no, no, no. Okay. Now I get it. It's the stereo graphic map, which is, which is made with satellites, which is kind of funny in my opinion. But

Speaker 2: (34:53)
well, look, this is, this is the whole thing. Um, with a lot of people, I think they just get too caught up in thinking that, right. And they don't know that they don't necessarily have all the answers. And so they run to these explanations like I got the model. No, I got the model and that's why I've always been anti model when it comes to it. I've got a quick question for you though. So according to NASA, we're going to be slamming a spacecraft into an asteroid to deflect it for the first time. That's going to be happening very soon. Are you at all concerned about asteroids?

Speaker 7: (35:27)
No. No. I welcome them with open arms. I would almost hope that a dinosaur event may perhaps happen to atrocity that we call a reality here. Truthfully, I really wouldn't mind.

Speaker 2: (35:41)
Or are we moving? Are we in the end times from your perspective?

Speaker 7: (35:47)
I agree with you, man. I've heard Christians all my life. This is the end times. This is the end times. And then I read about the past and how that was [inaudible] to them. And so the doomsday Colts of the, you know, the eco fascist or or what have you or always threatening that, you know, humanity and they always say save the earth as if the earth is going to be harmed by what we do. Perhaps the earth will be harmed in a way where it will make it unlivable for us as a human species. Perhaps the earth will always rebound. We can't do shit to the earth.

Speaker 2: (36:23)
Okay. So on Sunday I was watching glow busters and I don't know if this was just an argument from incredulity or if he was setting up a straw man, but it was based on this observation where a number of individuals, like three or four guys, they had their weapons mountain on some type of a tripod or a stand and they fired their AK 47 vertical and then they ran back and the bullets landed pretty close to them. And so Bob suggested that those bullets should have landed of pretty far distance away because the earth should have rotated from underneath that bullet. Is that a good argument or is that completely flawed?

Speaker 7: (37:04)
Well, when I go to down to Texas to shoot my weapons, uh, in specific, uh, my three, three, eight, we'll do a Magnum and we, we basically set up a North to South, uh, different shooting spots with, uh, targets, uh, both ways. I know personally cause I've tested myself and we'll get into what proves things to people here in a second. Cause that guy brought it up. But, uh, you know, these apps, all of these apps that you taken, the latitude, they've taken Coriolis, they've taken winds, they take in air density, they'd taken all these different, uh, basically readings that a, you know, you're as a sniper back in the day, you'd have a dude sitting there crunching math basically. Um, and I wouldn't be hitting my targets from over a mile if it weren't for these apps, uh, with their corrections.

Speaker 2: (37:59)
So you actually account for the rotation of the earth on your long distance shots.

Speaker 7: (38:04)
Yup, definitely. And I have a actually video that I probably could find some time where a, a army sniper who was there at the ranch and I recorded it and was picking his brain about the Coriolis because of the flatter whole topic. So, uh, yeah, that may, that may be something I want to post some time perhaps.

Speaker 2: (38:26)
Okay. So my question here then is, you know, you fire at a target over a mile away, um, how many seconds does it take it to actually reach the target [inaudible]

Speaker 7: (38:37)
uh, matters on the height of the gun basically. So you could, you could shoot a weapon if it's straight, it'd be the same amount of time from you basically dropping the bullets from that height. So very quickly.

Speaker 2: (38:50)
Okay. So this is interesting because what I'm wondering here then is if you have to account for the rotation of the earth on the sniper shots, how come when those individuals shot their bullets straight up? Uh, the bullets didn't really drift off course.

Speaker 5: (39:07)

Speaker 7: (39:09)
we're talking about shooting straight up as opposed to shooting North, South and also East West. That's a whole different effect. But, uh, you know, and it gets kind of complicated when you start shooting kind of Northeast or Northwest or whatever like that. But, um, you know, I don't, I don't really take that at face value. Somebody shot a gun, a straight up and really at that point it really needs to be like a 90 degrees parallel to the ground. Basically, or perpendicular rather, and shooting it straight up. Um, there are, you know, it does get kind of fuzzy as far as reference frames. Like why doesn't the plane, uh, flying from East West or West to East have different flight times? And yes, they do. Sometimes there's headwinds and tailwinds and stuff like this, but this is something that's very interesting to me is as in, uh, as long as you have powered flight, um, basically Coriolis is, uh, somewhat negated, but when you have a kind of like a projectile, um, it's totally different physics when it comes to, uh, shooting weapons, ballistics, all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2: (40:20)
Okay. I see what you're saying there. Now when it comes to the rotation of the earth, a lot of fighter earthers will say, Oh, I don't feel it spinning. So it's not spinning. But I think it's important to note that we're talking about, um, something that takes an entire 24 hour period to go around. So a thousand miles per hour sounds like a lot, but it's really not compared to, you know, how small we are versus the ball. And I think it's a terrible argument. I still hear people make it and I'm like, well, why would you feel it?

Speaker 7: (40:52)
Yeah, I've always made that argument. Um, it's mostly because of the whole Eric Dubay, uh, 200 misconceptions and fallacies that he had, you know, where they spin a globe really, really quickly and say you don't feel yourself spinning that way. Then they show a girl with her mouth open, like on like a roller coaster ride. We're hurried, you know, cheeks are all puffed out and stuff. It's really clever tactics that have been put into this. And it is, yes, one revolution per day. And then you start actually calculating at the equator 10, 24 miles per hour a you, you would think that you would feel that, but, uh, don't,

Speaker 2: (41:33)
Hey, I've shared that meme. I've shared that meme and many others. I've advanced memes that I know to be bad, bad argumentation just to, you know, provoke discussion. Um, I still think it's funny when Dell pours water on a soccer ball, you know, it's like, well, the soccer ball doesn't have a center of gravity, so it's not really apples to apples here.

Speaker 7: (41:57)
Yeah. And it's being influenced by the effects of gravity on earth. So I, I told him a long time ago, if we could go up into space and create a large enough mass than we could actually do that. But your honor, it's a, it's being effected and so our lakes and oceans and all that kind of stuff. So when people, when people kind of make this straw man, like that last guy, Whoa, two miles means in chat, you know, if he believes the mainstream basically on the, the shape of the earth, it's like, no. I took what the mainstream was saying, which is thousands of years of science. I've taken what flat earth is saying, which is kind of a compilation of five years for the most part. And I tested them myself. I did GPS readings over the Bonneville salt flats that gave us point within 0.5% of the Earth's radius. I did hundreds of observation, but drones, peanut 193, 200 at the great salt Lake, which is the best place to go and test for, uh, I guess visual observations,

Speaker 2: (42:57)
right? Well, look, you don't even need to go there. According to Jimmy Kimmel, if you're in Hollywood, California, you can see the curve from the horizon just by looking.

Speaker 7: (43:08)
Yeah, these people are idiots. Dude. Just like on Alex Jones the other day with deep inside a little Bunny's rabbit hole or whatever, um, you know, one of his people were like, I saw the curve out when I was, you know, 10,000 feet up. And it's like, no, you didn't dude. Um, as far as X axis curvature, now you didn't, and I'm, I'm pretty sure you didn't have like a telephoto lens or something on a plane looking for Z axis curvature, which you perhaps could at a certain distance. Uh, 10,000 feet.

Speaker 2: (43:41)
Well, look, you can't, you can't even get that high up as a comedian or entertainer without being a Curver. That's just part of the contract. So I've got a question. When you see movies like gravity or these, any of these new space movies on Netflix, doesn't it seem strange to you that it looks realer than what the ISS shows us or space X?

Speaker 7: (44:05)
No, I don't think it does. Um, there are that whole, uh, 45 minute uncut, um, video documentary kind of over the ISS with people that are floating, which is something we can't achieve. And I've always kind of made the argument perhaps we could say that they have some anti-gravity technology here on earth that's better than just saying that they're on strings or they're in water when their hair isn't wet and are not like gurgling.

Speaker 2: (44:34)
That's, that's such a bad straw man because you know that nobody has ever suggested there's water in the, ISS were saying that the external shots, the spacewalks are filmed in a pool and the rest of it's filmed on a movie set probably in new Orleans.

Speaker 7: (44:50)
I've, I have heard people saying that because they get things mixed up and it probably, it's probably some of the dumber people around this arena probably said that. Yeah, I've heard that before. But I've also, when you, you know, years ago when you went to the, uh, wherever you went and talked about it, I had a video, uh, explaining everything to you about the demonstration, a Nomex blue screen that they had in their payload when they went up. Uh, you don't have a blue screen with white stripes.

Speaker 2: (45:21)
Wait, wait, where are you able to explain away the bubbles?

Speaker 7: (45:25)
It's not explaining in a way those aren't, those bubbles do not act like they go in a straight line. They don't, they don't act like any bubble in the neutral buoyancy lab or underwater in general. So it's complete mute point. Plus I brought up BZ true talks in old truth are from back like seven years ago who had completely debunked it, showing them, uh, you know, several times that they have leaks that have ice come off. They have different stuff where they, they admit it and they show way better videos than flat earthers do.

Speaker 2: (45:57)
Okay. Then one more thing. Wait, wait, wait. The ISS is one thing, but the star man driving in the Tesla Roadster orbiting the earth had a lot of this, uh, whatever you want to call it, dust that was going vertical from the bottom to the top of the screen the entire time. And I thought that's weird because every time I've driven through a snow storm at night, the snow looks like it's coming towards me as I'm moving into it. But when star man goes around the earth and there's space dust, the space dust does not bump against his windshield.

Speaker 7: (46:34)
Yeah, I'd have to, we maybe we could go through that someday. Um, I'm not 100% sure obviously on anything in space, but when it comes to the, the shape of the earth, it's, it's so clear about the sun not changing English sides. It rises. It's sad to, uh, to Southwest steel points. These things all lead humans on the earth that know what they're talking about. To believe that the, it's a sphere. Uh, nothing indicates at all that it's a flat earth and first people to say, Oh, you haven't proven it to me. First off, you prove things to yourself. You, I could show you evidence and it's up to you to kind of take on that evidence, that preponderance of evidence and call it proof for a certain subject, but nobody proves things to you. You do that for yourself. So

Speaker 2: (47:23)
well conscious daughter, Hey look, conscious daughter has been out there to soft flats and she's never seen the curve. Anyway, the call and I'll talk to you later. Okay. And here is

Speaker 8: (47:40)
Whoa Google

Speaker 2: (47:41)
with their delay. Okay. Call her. So we were just talking about the earth being potentially flat, but just because the space station fake doesn't mean it's flat. Do you have any thoughts on the space station? Is it real to you?

Speaker 9: (47:58)
Well, first of all, uh, how did they build it? Did they like take it up there? Uh, piece by piece, uh, add, uh, I mean how did they build it with like, they like would like put a few pieces up there like leave 'em up there with balloons, anchor to nothing and then like a anchor the other pieces to nothing and then go back up and add a few more pieces. Like how would they do it?

Speaker 2: (48:24)
Like Legos is what I assume. I think they just sent up the shuttle and put all the components. I did see a convincing Jiffy simulation of a TimeLapse.

Speaker 9: (48:34)
Yeah. You know how when you build something, when you, when you, you can't just like, how'd they get it up there? Like how, how would they get it up there? Like they stopped do pieces at a tie. Uh, it did, uh, I mean I'm being, I'm clouded right now, but this is it. This is hilarious. Like that people are still debating this back to you or anything, but this is hilarious.

Speaker 2: (48:54)
Oh yeah, me too. Lucky man. I mean, I'm not emotionally invested. So at this point when people want to defend their globe, I'm like, I get it. I get it. The globe works in mysterious ways.

Speaker 9: (49:03)
Knowledge, by the way, guys, you know I am skating Stacey Axiom now. Yeah man. What about water man? Like I mean, no, let's just stay on a space station. Let's not even go to water.

Speaker 2: (49:13)
Yeah. You know what? I would say this. I don't even think those are, yeah, here's why. Because you could make valid arguments, but they're invalidated by their model. They're starting off with a whole bunch of pre suppositions that are built in. And so unless you accept these things, you know, it's, it's just simply, um, it's comparing apples to oranges and saying that your model's ridiculous. No, yours is, it doesn't get us anywhere. That's why I don't debate. I just accept them for their beliefs.

Speaker 9: (49:40)
If somebody can, if somebody can come up with how they may, I mean, we already know it's bullshit. So there was, they didn't make it if they didn't make it as, I mean, you know, we ask dumb questions to people just, just, just for the sake of argument. But come on, man. I mean as a floating space station, applying 1700 miles per hour, Jesus Christ and the name of it, the ISS, the ISIS, all this, you know, we're at war with ISIS. You know, it's all a, it's all a play on names. We're at, we're at war with ISIS and ISIS, the satellite. And

Speaker 7: (50:12)
you know, we're, we're at war without, we're at, we're at war with Odessa Hussein. You've only got,

Speaker 2: (50:18)
got a few more months until the end of the year. And if they're going to meet their deadline and bring it down in the 33rd year, which would be poetic, they're going to have to close shop here in the next two months. Do you have a date? You can predict that the space station will fall down.

Speaker 9: (50:37)
Um, nah, they're not gonna they're not gonna bring that thing down.

Speaker 2: (50:40)
No, no. Now you're just basing, now you're just nay-saying I'm just kidding. No, I'm really hoping they do. I'm really hoping they do because it'll do wonders for our traffic because we know it's fake. We know it's fake. So if it goes down

Speaker 9: (50:51)
and, yeah, and the, you know, me and me and can be, are on this damage control thing right now. So there's, the damage control is like super heavy. They don't know where they go. Um, I don't know if this, if this little shift in reality was unpredicted, you know what I mean? It's,

Speaker 2: (51:09)
yeah, no, no, no ma'am. We're totally off script. We're supposed to go from coast to coast to agents and proxies of mainstream all over YouTube. We were never supposed to really form a breakaway. And auto hoaxing is a breakaway universe and they don't have enough agents deployed to prevent it from consolidating and is happening. And it does encompass a cross section of all kinds of people who are recognizing media. Fakery I saw this video today, I'm going to have to pull it up where you see a bomb, like a car bomb explode. Then you see a bunch of people run to the scene and fall on the ground and row and start rolling and pain. And this was a camera that caught it. So what we saw was a CYOP where first is the bomb, then the victim show up, and then the TV cameras show up and you see the victims looking like they got blown up. Like we saw behind the scenes of a sign off. I'm trying to get the footage, it was on live leak. So people have a lot of reason to question what they're seeing. So at this point, the shape of the earth, you know, they can debate it all day one, you know, we were pulling the curtain down and can be and what he's bringing to the table that's cutting edge.

Speaker 9: (52:17)
Yeah. And uh, eh, if, I mean I'm starting to look at everybody now, I'm starting to locate everybody now is, is, I mean, not everybody, but all the, all the people you see on T V definitely are to be looked at. I'm looking at pro athletes too. I'm trying to see if, uh, if, uh, we got any Deion Sanders Bo Jacksons, you know, but it really doesn't, none of that stuff really matters because that, I mean, it's just part of deeply, but it doesn't really matter in the, in the, in the big scheme of things like the flat earth thing is one of the biggest flat earth. The reason why people keep talking about it is, uh, it is one, it's the biggest lie ever. Uh, and you know, to, to, to understand where you're at and what you live on is to understand, you know, your past and your future.

Speaker 9: (53:10)
If you don't know where you're at and you can't, you know, you're not going to know where you're going. So, you know, no one where you're at. And having a, a GPS pinpoint over where you're at is very important. And so if you think you're spinning around, it'll be hard to pinpoint yourself. I mean, you can, you know what I mean? Like you, you think that you're spinning throughout the universe all the time and you'll never be able to get your bearings. That's why I flat out just so important because it allows you to gauge where you're at. You know what I mean?

Speaker 2: (53:38)
Oh, I see what you mean. Like they throw in moral relativity every form of relativity, so where nothing has any meaning, you end up a total nihilist and look, the people who believe in it the most, Oh, we understand everything about it. It's perfectly make sense. And I'm like, wait a minute, your model says the sky's falling in few months and we're all gonna die. And they're like, I can't wait.

Speaker 9: (53:57)
If the people believe that, then they, then they're, they're going against their cons. It's like a contradictory thing to what, like, like you know, the whole spinning ball thing is totally contradictory to you having a creator of like to, you know

Speaker 2: (54:14)
what, wait that part though, look, that part I can't really stand by cause look, let's say we find out it's a ball and we're wrong and it is a big heliocentric thing. I don't think it takes away, uh, the impressiveness of it. In fact, I would say this, the spinning ball heliocentric model is even more evidence or more suggestive of a divine creator than just a flat plane of the bottom. Like I don't really think

Speaker 9: (54:38)
the spinning ball thing is, it's a complete three 66 66 say tannic teaching. That's all it is.

Speaker 2: (54:49)
Interesting. Well, I call it, I call it sun worship. He, Leo's is the sun. We're centered around the sun. But yeah, it's definitely mystery Babylon or Roman polytheism just superimposed over this quasi scientific bottom.

Speaker 9: (55:04)
Yes. Yeah, yep. And yup. And the, the religions are superimposed. Yup. Yup. That's a good, uh, that's a good analogy right there. I mean, for those of you that knows would superimpose this and then, you know, taking that word from pictures and then adding it to something like religion. I mean visually, I mean, imagine that.

Speaker 2: (55:23)
Oh look, actually look on, on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo mission, they actually projected the Saturn rocket on the Washington monument.

Speaker 9: (55:33)
I saw that. I saw that.

Speaker 2: (55:35)
That's super imposing over their ancient symbol of their sun deity. A more modern symbol. The rocket right there on the 15th anniversary.

Speaker 9: (55:45)
Well, I was on Instagram a little bit earlier and there's an app now that allows you to do like deep fake shit, like where you can, uh, you know, change your hair, do change your eyes, change your face. It's an app. Like they were like error. They were like, uh, they were like, download the app right now. And it's like the face changer app and it's for everybody. Like you can change your hair to the way your hair looks, the way your teeth look, everything. And it's right there on app so that they've got a deep fake app on Instagram right now for you, for anybody to go get it. Like, you know, and it, it was just on my Instagram probably like 30 minutes ago, so I was gonna make a video about it. But, you know, I don't waste my time with, with every little, you know, every little thing that I see. But I'm just thinking to myself, like, of all peoples Instagram that could show up on why am mine

Speaker 2: (56:36)
right. Well, I just opted into facial recognition on Facebook. You know, I just, I'm not gonna keep myself completely outside of the arena. I don't feel threatened by it necessarily, but I'm just seeing where things are going. I, I'm not taking it to the extreme of being paranoid or suspicious whatsoever. And, uh, when it comes to this deep fake thing, I think it's needlessly, I'm hyped up because they want to distract people from the fact that we're already full of deep fakes. And even without masks or CGI, you can be a deep fake just by being a liar.

Speaker 9: (57:10)
Yeah. And I know how easy it is to lie now. Um, you know, it's just, it's just pretty crazy. But uh,

Speaker 2: (57:19)
but listen to this money model says they tell you what you're seeing and then you start seeing what they tell you. Absolutely. They tell you what you're going to see in advance in all of the media, all the entertainment specifically Saifai which prepares you for what they're going to give you in the fake news and the fake science.

Speaker 9: (57:36)
The thing. And the thing is everybody is programmed right now on, I'm on auto conspiracy. So anything like people, people's first words was like conspiracy theorists, they're on, they're on auto conspiracy now. So the people would rather just call, they just like, I don't know if that's like some type of shutdown they have. Like it's some type of mechanisms.

Speaker 2: (58:01)
It is. They've already admitted it. The CIA planted the term conspiracy theorist to smear anyone who didn't believe the mainstream media news. So to me, yeah. So if you're not automatically believing it, they want to attack you. So now those of us who are automatically doubting it, um, we're really the antidote here. I think this is the attitude. Don't let them call you. Conspiracy theorists say you are a media analysis and if anything we're conspiracy. Debunkers

Speaker 9: (58:28)
yeah, yeah, yeah. And then they like, um, the people that my job, I have to explain stuff to them. And then once they call me a conspiracy, there's, um, then I'll, I'll give them to something simpler because I understand why they're saying, I understand why they're calling me a conspiracy theorist. I'll instantly, I always, you know, I, I don't really say too, I don't have to say too much, but I always back up what I'm saying. Cause I already knew that conspiracy theory thing was coming, but I know they just don't understand that people don't understand what's going on there. Just everybody just felt a bit, he's busy like making ends meet. And what I was hearing, I think it was John Levy or UAP is like, yeah, they just, everybody just felt worried about making rent that, you know, they're not, they're not worried about none of this shit.

Speaker 2: (59:16)
Yeah, that's absolutely.

Speaker 9: (59:17)
And then, and then, you know, you've got people with people that are like, you know, um, I've lived their regular life, like as far as like with my maybe moms and like the family life and all that. And I understand that people, when you, when you live at home with your wife and your kids, I mean that's totally different than like you live in by yourself, you know what I mean? But, um, like it'd be hard to like be like trying to talk about all this stuff and, and at like I don't see a lot of like families, you know what I mean? Like talking about,

Speaker 2: (59:53)
well look, here's how it depends on what your objective is. Like. So for example, if I wanted to, I guess sell a lot of people not sell, but you know, convince a lot of people that they ought to take a second look at the news. You have to make them have a personal stake in it. So I'd be like, well look, if your parents then you have, you know, kids in the schools who are going through hyper-realistic school shooting drills who may get PTSD from it and they're being told that the world's gonna end in 10 years. So do you want your kids to be paranoid communists, part of a doomsday cold who believe that we got to get to Mars or die? Like, I think if they're a little more aware of the implications of the propaganda and where it's leading him cause it's true, your public schools are going to make your kids into commies. The proof is right now look outside at all these kids in marching.

Speaker 9: (01:00:40)
And I mean, like I said, I mean I, people I fit, I, I've, I've played, I send a few of my videos here and here to people on my Instagram, but uh, like they never comment. Like I know people from the Instagrams watch the videos, but they never comment or like I never, I know who the people are that comment on my videos. Like, you know, I just recognize people, but there's never anybody that I, that I know that I grew up with. Any family members.

Speaker 2: (01:01:10)
Okay. Um, hold on a second. It seems like big brothers messing with our connection. Okay. So, but what you're really ex explaining here about, you know, families have is you're leaving your family's religion. And that's been one of my main points here is the worldview that's telegraphed or televised. The one that people accept that comes through the TV networks, the celebrities, the politicians, the universities, et cetera. That worldview is a religion and when you break away from it, it's like leaving a religion and obviously you're an app estate, you're going to alienate the people who are in the cult and the more indoctrinated they are into it, the more they're gonna hate you for leaving. And if they're hardcore fundamentalists, that's when they want to throw rocks at you as you leave town. That's how the religion works. The religious mindset.

Speaker 9: (01:01:58)
Yeah, and just this just the best at all from B bike all. Yeah, he's crazy as it goes. Fiercely theorist and then I, and then I don't have to think about it, what I'm saying anymore.

Speaker 2: (01:02:07)
If this was our religion, look, if it was a religion, you're leaving like a mainstream one of the big five. They would say, Oh, he's a sinner or he's corrupt or he's a reprobate. He can't be saved. They would say that you need to be saved. So they would have another term. So being called a conspiracy theorist is just another way of being called a heretic or a blessed femur.

Speaker 9: (01:02:26)
You want, you want to know what I call this too though. And I just thought of this too though. Um, I thought about this before. So another thing about all this stuff that we're coming out as, this is the old, uh, this is the cheating licensed drone. You know what I mean? Like, this is the, this is, this is your wife cheated on you three years ago. And, uh, I didn't tell you then, you know, and when everything was all messed up, but now that everything's going good, I'll tell you now and then Mike, to ruin our friendship type deal, you know what I mean? So,

Speaker 2: (01:02:58)
no, not necessarily, but look, we were, um, pretty much, you know, all of us, we were, um, raised to trust certain things that, um, and you trust people who have good intentions and they trust who, who told them and so on. So it's not like you're dealing with people who are specifically liars, but they're repeaters of liars because they don't actually, you know, check it. And so, you know, asking questions, skepticism, that's now being considered a form of terrorism at this point. The questioning somebody grief is a hate crime and not believing is now cause to label you essentially a threat to national security because you're contributing to all the various things that destabilize the world specifically. I mean, do you believe in global warming?

Speaker 9: (01:03:45)
Well, uh, not, but there's, there's this lack of control climate change though, but it's not really global warming because the, uh, the sea level is still the same. I mean, uh, I live right here in New York and um, I can see that the, uh, water level is the same as it's always been. Uh, I mean, I don't know how much it's raised in the last hundred years, but it looks like the water levels pretty much like, you know, when you go to the beaches and then like the beaches are all the same. Like when I go to Venice beach, I mean the water is still, you know, this, when you go to Venice Thiess there's like a skate park and the skate park is still the same distance away from the shore that it always is. So the water not getting any higher, uh, than it has when I was a kid. So I mean if there was any type of seat, sea level rise and you know, Venice beach wouldn't even exist anymore. So, you know, just little things like that.

Speaker 2: (01:04:42)
Right. Well look, none of their predictions have come true with asteroids, with global warming. None of it, none of the dooms days. Jesus has never come back. And they've been talking about that supposedly for 2000 years. And people haven't figured out the game yet. That by predicting the end, making yourself an expert on the end times, you become a [inaudible]

Speaker 9: (01:05:01)
there. How do you, how do you, and how do you, and how do you flood a ball? Well, the ball has a center. How do you flood a ball? Like it's,

Speaker 2: (01:05:10)
look, if it's a ball it's a ball because it has a center of gravity pulling everything to the center. So a flood is consistent with a ball with the center of gravity. So again, we have to remember even though we might have um, an argument against it from being incredulous or calling it dumb cause it is,

Speaker 9: (01:05:28)
do you know what you're telling me right now? I'm going to tell, I'm going to give you an a, I'm going to tell you what you're telling me right now. What you're telling me is that when you get far enough away from water, the properties change and it turns into a jello like substance just because you're far away from it. So like that's basically what that theory as far as the water on the spinning law thing, it's like, well it's water when you're next to it and you and you like jump in it, but when you get far away from it then it's like has jello like properties and it just like sits in a perfect circle of like jello. Like, that's what they're telling us that, that because in order for the earth to be a globe, it can't be a globe, that means it would have to be a Follett plate of glass. Like all the way around. That would be the, it can't be a ball. Like people are missing essential basic shit. If you, if the earth was a ball, it would have to be a solid ball with no water on it. You know what I mean? And then it would have to be enclosed like a glass ball and then the way they show you and NASA, it's impossible because it's a perfect circle and there can't be a perfect circle of water that will, there is no such thing as a perfect circle of water.

Speaker 2: (01:06:47)
Right. Okay. Well I see what you're saying with this. Um, I'm looking at this thing too and it is really diff difficult I think to grasp it without a lot of models and reinforcement and explanations and it just does sound like a patchwork of explanations, that's for sure. But um, as far as the,

Speaker 9: (01:07:08)
they pulled it off. I mean, they, they, the cold part is, I mean, they, you know, they, they got it through there for the most part. I mean, they had us, they had us, they had us for a good run. Uh, you know, I don't know how I got, I don't know. I guess it's the YouTube era, man, you know, but they had a good run. They had a good, uh, they had a good run.

Speaker 2: (01:07:30)
I'm still, I'm still convinced that their weak spot is how advanced and sophisticated the CGI is in the entertainment industry. Because I'm looking at stuff on Netflix and I'm like, man, this is so much better than what NASA gives us. And when are they going to honestly admit it? Hey, look at the ISS and look at Sandra Bullock doing barrel rolls in the movie. And they can't say that the ISS looks real. It's, it's, uh, it's sad that they have to stand by it.

Speaker 9: (01:08:00)
They are, well, that's, that's the, that's the thing, man. They are admitting it for the people that have eyes to see man. And that's the cold thing about reality is that they are, for the people that have eyes to see, it's kinda like they're kind of by trying to scare you as they're, what's going on right now is kind of like people like me and you, they want us to join their side. People don't like us that have the knowledge what they want us to join up. They don't want us to be like, you know, trying to expose all of the secrets that, you know, so it's, it's kind of like, you know, it's a true, uh, I was talking to Cathy about that and uh, yeah, so they're on the fence. They know that we don't want to be part of that team and, uh, what they know that we're right.

Speaker 2: (01:08:49)
So it's really, it's really nothing they can do. That's why we adopted the term, uh, a new Illuminati. You know, we're like, well, you know, we know their secrets, but we just have a different set of values or something and maybe our values ought to replaced theirs. So maybe we ought to take this information and you know, and just kind of just replace them. You know, I considered doing our own PSYOPs might be fun, you know, make, make a target out of the, uh, uh, bad guy out of them. Like maybe, um, I don't know who I would set up. We gotta write some, but yeah, we could get in the business to compete. We know how it works.

Speaker 9: (01:09:27)
Yeah. I mean in that, that's kind of like, Whoa, the world is a stage. So they're kinda like waiting for other people to set up their other like, I don't know. Like it is, it is. And the thing is, all this stuff, like you said, you, you can't be emotionally attached to this stuff because it's, it's all, it's all pretty much a joke. I mean, at the end of the day there's a war, but then, you know, at the end of the war or somebody laughing to the bank,

Speaker 2: (01:09:53)
well look, even if somebody, even if someone convinces me we're on a ball or I convinced myself, let's say I buy a drone and I go out to the salt flats and I see the curve, right? Just hypothetically if I did this, I'm still not going to come home and say, Oh, the ISS is real. I'm going to say, well that's still fake. So what are they hiding? And at this point I would have to surmise, well, they're hiding the fact that Antarctica is probably the best place on earth and they're hiding it.

Speaker 9: (01:10:20)
And the messed up thing about that is the people that are faking that, you know, these people are actually, uh, there that, that, that part right there is kind of, that deceptive part is kinda what's kind of funny because it's like, why won't you guys go through all this trouble? A lie. I mean, even if you are paid, I mean, where do these guys go? Like, dude, they can't be real people because it's like, gosh, like what? There's like the scum of the earth.

Speaker 2: (01:10:50)
Well, I think what we have are actors who are not even autonomous. And so we're looking at puppets, you know, and I look at the events specifically that tie in people from different arenas. So take for example, when Gifford was shot in Arizona and I'm like, okay, well you got a fake shooting in Arizona involving a politician. So you got the fake shootings, the fake news, and then you have the politician in there who's to an astronaut connected to fake space. And then I look at this as, okay, well you can't have intersecting PSYOPs unless this is an operation that encompasses all of these things across a broad spectrum. And that's why I call it the game. You know, government, academia, media, entertainment, it's all together. It's a game program.

Speaker 9: (01:11:35)
Yeah. That, yep. You got it.

Speaker 2: (01:11:38)
All right. Well, Hey, I'm going to stay. Yeah, I appreciate your call and Hey, look, you should drop some links to your videos in here. Um, I saw one that was really good yesterday with that Steven Craft and Lester Holt. And what do you think about Curry and Cyrus?

Speaker 9: (01:11:54)
Oh, um, yeah, you guys, uh, that one was a trip, but it, it, it checks out to me. I mean, the more I looked at it as like, yeah, uh, I look at the microscopics of it. Like I said, I, I have, uh, I have those, the same things as the computer has the facial, uh, facial identity recognizes shit like I have, I can, I got that shit in my brain too. So I, I see the similarities and the people, it's just like Michio Kaku and Bruce Lee with the bushy eyebrow.

Speaker 2: (01:12:28)
Oh yeah. That one's super obvious. In his kid, Brandon Lee becoming Christopher Green, AMT V, they, a lot of these Hollywood types death fakers they re-emerge in alternative media and it's because it's all part of the same act

Speaker 9: (01:12:43)
that Adam Lanza one is fucking crazy.

Speaker 2: (01:12:46)
That one makes the most sense. At first I thought I just used to pass that one on as a joke. Oh look, you got Lanza in hog. They look the same. It's just basically David Hogg, um, is aged appropriately and so I'm like, well it's the same actor, just a bowl cut away. [inaudible]

Speaker 9: (01:13:04)
yeah, so that yeah, they don't even have enough characters to go around. It's just fucking

Speaker 2: (01:13:09)
one of actually. Okay, so that one. Here's why though, I think I have a perfect explanation for why they would use the same guy. It's because it's an in your face induction of Stockholm syndrome where your abuser is your savior. So they give you the face of the school shooter and now he's the face of the guy who's going to save you from the school shooters.

Speaker 9: (01:13:28)
Order order out of chaos.

Speaker 2: (01:13:30)
Yup. All right. Well Hey skating. Stacey, thanks for calling as always. And I have a great night.

Speaker 9: (01:13:36)
Yes sir.

Speaker 2: (01:13:37)
Alright, phones are open. 505-FIVE-ONE-0422, six. Yeah, I think it's part of the psychological terror. They want to reinforce it. So the guy who's saving you give me your guns, give me your guns. A little. David Hogg. He's the guy who shot the kids right before Christmas in 2012 same face, same scary eyes. And you see those scary eyes when David gets mad, look at his here. College students think the world will end in 12 years and look at this guy sign, eat healthy, kill the wealthy. Now what these morons don't know and look, they're very well fed. So they may adopt this communism and say, yeah, let's go ahead and just expropriate the wealth of the 1%. Well guess what? You're a 1% or if you got a smart phone, if you really want to take your communism, your collects your collectivism to the extreme and where it's going to lead.

Speaker 2: (01:14:36)
Well you all are in the 1% so you're, you're basically voting away your own property. It takes them a little time to figure it out cause I think they have it hard. I mean, I was pretty much um, becoming aware of just how bad the problem is. When I saw occupy wall street hit my town and it was a lot of just pampered capitalists pretending to rebel thinking they would get more college loans or something. They were doing it for the money. They were doing it for college loan forgiveness. They were doing it for all kinds of reasons. Raise the minimum wage, free health care free pot, like they're basically a bunch of commies, greedy, communist, trying to leverage the power of state to take from other people like every single politician out there, including Donald Trump. So climate activists blocked DC roads and disrupt the commute. Again, this is just a war on capitalism.

Speaker 2: (01:15:45)
Mike Johnson says, check out the cheerleader that killed her baby and got off the hook. She looks a lot like David hog. Ooh, interesting. We're talking about, that'd be a first. Would that be a first a transgendered crisis actor? I think it would be the first. No wait, the shooter in Colorado recently, but no, that would be one though. So somebody look it up. Somebody look up the cheerleader that killed her baby. I have a question from the comments here. Somebody says, is the CGI from NASA bad intentionally? While some people would say it's good, well they'll say it's not CGI, but no, it's not that it's bad intentionally. It's that it's aging poorly relative to the acceleration in quality all around it. So you have video games that look realer than the ISS. That's a problem. NASA, you're going to have to bring it down and I'm saying 11 nine would be poetic.

Speaker 2: (01:16:48)
11 nine one nine very nine 11 [inaudible] can be says, I found out who the pitcher from the Miami Marlins that died in a boat last year. M M was he 33 27 anyway, they do it here too. Climate. They walk the roads. That's a show of force. The fact that, Hey, check this out. You guys might want to hear this. So CRO, triple seven had originally raised a red flag with us because when can be called and said, Barack Obama is Epstein in a mask. They hung up on him. So a CRO, triple seven did. I'm a segment here where he addressed censorship itself and he took some calls and he managed to squeeze in. Can be at the end. Take a listen.

Speaker 10: (01:17:46)
Oh there's, which is so much better than 350

Speaker 2: (01:17:53)
by dialing six 41.

Speaker 4: (01:17:54)
Amazing. Um, again, cause I don't know how much longer I have on YouTube. Here we go. So it's, it's mind blowing. So,

Speaker 10: (01:18:01)
well, you know, I'll tell you, I have a friend that lives in new Orleans who does that for a living. He works on professional movies and things like that. He is a props and effects person so I can get information from him on how things work and what's possible and all that.

Speaker 4: (01:18:16)
That, that would be amazing. Again, cause I don't know how much longer I have on YouTube, you guys. So I'm just trying to [inaudible]

Speaker 10: (01:18:23)
none of us do. Appreciate it. Yeah. None of us do. Right. Can be. Thank you so much for calling man again man. My bad. I'm so sorry. We've got to wrap up the show, my friend. But thank you for calling. Take care of me.

Speaker 4: (01:18:34)
Thank you. Alright, we got a little

Speaker 2: (01:18:39)
Camby was trying to set up an interview, but crow's gonna be busy and so as a his cohost, so he did manage to get in and bring it up. And it is a topic worth considering. And Jason, the coho says he knows people who work in special effects who may be able to give us some insight. Now listen to this. Conspiracy theories might sound crazy, but we can't ignore them. So this is from time and this is explaining why you can't ignore people who are wrong or who have radically different interpretations. It's actually dangerous to ignore them. And here you have a mind map. Only crazy people do mind maps.

Speaker 2: (01:19:25)
Lean Deon says Jason is a speaker at the nextF , E I. C. FEIC. What is that? Oh yeah, the the conference. Yeah, that's right. Well, Jason is the cohost of the Crow triple seven show, a podcast. A lot of good information. They're not right about everything. And I don't know if they auto hoax, probably not. Okay, so the FBI says conspiracy theories are very likely to inspire domestic terrorists to commit criminal and violent acts. Quote that will likely emerge, spread and evolve on internet platforms. And this was from an intelligence bulletin, so they've been talking about us behind the scenes.

Speaker 2: (01:20:12)
This is actually from may. So we know we're looking at an article from back in may where they were, they were already here at this point ready to say people who are following these conspiracy theories are dangerous. Now this PR report was leaked, um, about a week I think before the El Paso shooting. And if you haven't looked into that, really the one thing I think that sinks the whole case is look at the shooter from El Paso, compare them to the shooter from Dayton and compare them to the shooter from Gilroy and tell me it's not the same person. Okay. So we have um, a couple more minutes here. If we have any more calls. I have a few things I need to take care of. I'm working on the auto Hoke site, auto hoax.com if you haven't been there yet, someone find me that I'm looking right now also for the cheerleader that killed her baby. Somebody suggesting that that cheerleader is in fact David hog, infinite plane radio

Speaker 11: (01:21:33)
secret of store and birthing a show. This Swedish girl you discuss that gotten taking any time to get into that or do you think it's worth examining a little bit?

Speaker 2: (01:21:43)
Hey, um, it's a little bit, um, I don't know what happened with the sound. Would you mind just hanging up and calling again really quick? Thanks.

Speaker 11: (01:21:52)

Speaker 2: (01:21:53)
Okay, so we're looking for the cheerleader. Somebody suggested that this cheerleaders a character played by David hog, which is hilarious and it can't possibly be true, but I'm entertaining the notion on the off chance that it is true. So if someone there, alright, so go ahead and say that again cause I haven't touched on it yet.

Speaker 12: (01:22:13)
Well they brought over this, uh, what do they say? She is 13 or 14 years old, 16 years old. I'm not even sure, but I, I personally, I think she's older. I think it's like a David Hall kind of situation where she's probably older than the way she's being presented. Uh, but they'd been trotting her. I mean, she's been all over the radio and the TV and the, I guess she addressed the Congress, they and the unite. Oh, the UN, she addressed a big UN con fab.

Speaker 2: (01:22:43)
Oh yeah, I saw her, I called her a basically a, an environmentalist. David hog. Yeah, I did see her and she's running around blaming us for everything and the, the youth are going to kill the old because we've ruined the planet. Like they're very mad at us.

Speaker 12: (01:22:58)
Well her last, her most recent presentation, she broke down into almost what's happening is this is like we call a teachable moment. You know, the Overton window is like slid open real wide because I guess the idea is that the Stooges that they use, I shouldn't say Stooges cause she's just a child. Maybe I don't even know anymore. Um, it, when they, when they, they go so far with this stuff, they whip themselves into a kind of a hysterical frenzy. And then you see how pathological it is. You see, they trigger themselves I guess. And you watch that happening and then you realize then, you know what I'm saying? It makes it very vulnerable to exposure. I think

Speaker 2: (01:23:52)
you're right. I'm one of the issues that they have is, and doomsayers all have this issue doomsayers take themselves too seriously, which opens them up to ridicule. If you notice like the Westboro Baptist church, we're in the end times and youth centers are going to destroy us all. They were laughed off the stage. And so I'm looking at these hysterics and I'm already like, I'm ahead of my ahead of the curve with this one. In 2017, I was already out on earth day megaphone in these people saying that there a bunch of brainwash. She's so, I think there needs to be a blow back against it because it's obviously ridiculous and hysterical.

Speaker 12: (01:24:29)
Well, you know what they'll do? They'll say, Oh, you guys are, I actually am watching this debate in other venues like, um, there's a long time baby boomer media critic by the name of Mark Crispin Miller. He was a professor at Hopkins that had a kind of a following mainstream falling for many years. And, uh, I guess he's defected from the mainstream and become kind of a truther going around and talking about controlled demolition. So nine 11 and stuff like that. So he's now been marginalized, but he, he published, uh, uh, well actually it was Patrick Henson of 21st century wire who put out this extended extended piece by him, but by others characterizing this Gretta and her behavior, it's like total psychopathology, you know, really breaking it down, showing how the pseudo science behind it is just a, a kind of a new, yeah, new religion in a way, you know, and, and, and how they, he walks through all the logical points, you know, about how, how it collection and the limited time that data's been collected. Um, some of the assumptions, uh, all this stuff, he just tears it apart and concludes that basically this child is being, that something really cynical is going on with the manipulation and deployment of this kid. And it posed the question of how much are the parents being paid? Because really what we're looking at as you have characterized the drills and and the performance of the kids in these drills is child abuse. I don't think we're, I don't think we're, that's not hyperbole.

Speaker 13: (01:26:12)
No, it's not. Look at all those videos you can find of these fundamentalist religions and how they raised their kids and people watch it and they say, Whoa, they're raising their kids with fear of hell and God's judgment and hatred for people who are different. And people say, isn't that child abuse? You see a little kid at the sign, it says God hates fags. Is that child abuse? And I would say, yeah, imposing a radical ideology on a kid is a bit of an abuse.

Speaker 12: (01:26:39)
Well, you're [inaudible], it's like recruiting child soldiers, except they're child soldiers in ideological or psychological or culture comp, a culture war instead of actually literally on the ground, like over at and in Africa where they, you know, I guess unless that's all, I hope you're not going to tell me that that's entirely fake. The recruitment and deployment of children as soldiers in Africa. I had the impression it's, it's real, but

Speaker 13: (01:27:04)
Oh, that's horrible stuff. Oh yeah, it is. And here we have this. Even they drew, they've drawn in an analogy saying that the kids in America are going through a crusade because the elders have failed them on climate change in guns. And of course this is all heavily scripted. A bunch of martyrs. They're trying to get them to vote. It's all political. Obviously.

Speaker 12: (01:27:25)
This is where I think to me this is probably the most critical strategic thing that kinda gets my blood up because what you're talking about is a bunch of really corrupt aging baby boomers at the top who are, who are cynically trying to engineer, you know, a sort of 60 style a youth culture, youth culture, youth. Well, you probably are familiar with these terms, but first we had something called the credibility gap that arose over the lies constant exposure of lies being told by Lyndon Johnson and his administration and the Pentagon during the Vietnam war. That would be in the mid 1960s the credibility gap, which became a meme. Then was replaced by something called the generation gap. And that was a, a predictable consequence of, you know, you had young men being drafted to go over here to Vietnam coming back with missing arms. It's just horrible stuff.

Speaker 12: (01:28:29)
And, and, and everyone knew that this was all based on a tissue of lies and the lies were continually being exposed. So it became a generation revolting against their elders because their elders had been caught lying to them repeatedly, repeatedly. So I, I what I, what I see happening now is you're going to see a general breakdown as a society, a loss of confidence in institutions. Just the continuum breaking up into this, uh, chaos of cognitive dissonance, incoherence narratives that make no sense. We're stuff just playing laughable. But in this vacuum, you know what happens because if you put this together with a breakdown of material things, that is to say the collapse of infrastructure, a sudden shortage of consumer goods or gasoline. I saw the hysteria that erupted over the artificially induced gas shortages of that, that two, they had one under Nixon in 73 and people really freaked out then.

Speaker 12: (01:29:35)
And then they, I mean they were literally beating each other up to get, get in line to get gas and then they had another one when Carter was in in 79 so I see how they can put together an atmosphere of psychological hysteria and uncertainty, cultural history and uncertainty with a breakdown in real availability of a, a commodity or a breakdown in infrastructure, and that's when, that's when the shit hits the fan and what these guys are playing with here. This is really dangerous for them to call, use their public relations assets of resources in the money that they're spending to create a sort of pseudo AstroTurf youth revolution, a generation gap. They're opening up the door to a lot of things.

Speaker 13: (01:30:20)
Oh, they are. David Hogg hinted at something very, very, very sinister about a year and a half ago where he said, I don't care if the NRA doesn't listen to me. We're going to outlive them anyway.

Speaker 12: (01:30:31)
We have to preempt this. I mean that you have to be your generation, you millennials and gen Xers. You've got to preempt this. You've got to seize. Yes, it is going to be a youth uprising is going to be a generational revolt because let's face it, the surviving baby boomers in positions of power are rotten to the core. They're the ones behind a lot of these shit.

Speaker 13: (01:30:53)
I've met them. When I went to occupy wall street, I went over there with a sign that says, God bless capitalism. And you know, it wasn't because I believe in God or capital does. I just did it to egg them on. And it was a bunch of angry silver ponytail. Baby boomers just driving me off. And same thing happened. Um, I walked to a Trump event and walking in, it was the police holding back a wall of angry communist baby boomers. You know, I've, I've encountered them multiple times and it's always the same crew and they're the ones that you see behind the kids,

Speaker 12: (01:31:26)
the ones that are, whether or not, and I think most of them are hired and paid lifetime actors, snitches, confidential informants and rats. Those are the ones that have survived. Really anybody that was a sincere and honest revolutionary, no matter how misled or misguided they might've be is probably dead by now or, or powerless. And besides the boomers are so many of them are on opioids. I have to tell you a lot of my contemporaries here in this neighborhood, I live around one kind or another have prescription pharmaceuticals. So they're not exactly in the best situation to engage in any kind of meaningful political struggle. But the ones at the top who automotive for all I know, they're getting infusions of of plasma from healthy teenagers like Peter Thiel or who knows what. Um,

Speaker 13: (01:32:16)
okay. Now Peter Till's an interesting case because on the one hand I see him associated with [inaudible]. Yeah, a lot of the worst stuff. But then when I actually look at what he talks about in his books, like I think zero to one he talks about seasteading, he talks about a number of things that I think are very cutting edge and the concept of seasteading I think needs to be grafted onto the flat earth topic as an end, as something that's going to be realized eventually. Like, if we're right and if the world isn't what they say, there's going to be a globe Exodus and it's gonna take the form of seasteading. And so I saw him doing that and I'm wondering, do some of these people in the billionaire club know something? We don't. Are they preparing for some type of, I don't know. Um, mass Exodus,

Speaker 12: (01:33:05)
I watched a video of an interview or a small meeting he participated in at Harvard. It's from quite a few years back before he became really as well known. And I actually had to agree with, I mean just about everything he was saying in this, he was talking about the, the problem of the attempt to break down cultural traditions in the West and how foolish this was because you couldn't establish a moral equivalence between the sort of levels of tolerance we have here for individual differences and so forth with the norms that are acceptable in most societies and say the middle East or even in say China or places like that. In other words, if he's talking about the self destructive character of these, uh, I guess globalist. What else can you call them? They're globalists.

Speaker 13: (01:33:58)
Yeah. Did you hear the last color? Um, and I've been at this the second time, I've talked to two people who have been very dedicated to beating flat earthers in debates. And I said, aren't you afraid of asteroids? And they both say, I welcome it.

Speaker 12: (01:34:15)
Oh, they were looking for Dumas. They want that eschatological justification, you know, some kind of a pocket, a secular apocalypse if, if you, what have you, and atheist apocalypse as you called it, where they finally get there. It's shot in Freud, isn't it? They will never, I guess is the shot.

Speaker 13: (01:34:31)
Yeah, it would be. It's like I told you guys so or this validates my system. And it's the same thing with Christians. I know a couple of Christian doomsayers, Jason and Ronnie laughin Berg, they live in a, a trailer out in Canada. And these guys are saying not only are we in the end times, but we're praying for it to happen so we can see you get judged. And they've told me personally that they can't wait to see me burning in hell. And I'm like, wait, this type of nihilism is the result of an end times philosophy and end times is like what justifies it? And yeah, the secularist, the atheist, the Helio centrists, the believer in science, they're a bunch of doomsayers they live in the end times.

Speaker 12: (01:35:12)
Makes me think of, it's just a more polite version of Charles Manson's Helter Skelter, I guess if that was, I mean, he may not have even really come up with that. He may have just been sort of the, the Polen adopt, but that's the sort of chaos race war for example. They were talking about that back then.

Speaker 13: (01:35:29)
Oh yeah. Helter Skelter was definitely playing upon things. And it was also playing into the communist thing because it was of course an uprising against the, the pigs, you know, the pig class. And I think

Speaker 12: (01:35:41)
you gotta be ruthless on this. You've got to preempt these rotten corrupt baby boomers and instead of denying the generational uprising because it is going to happen, you should ride that wave by saying, Oh look, all these stupid boomers rolled over for Apollo 11 that's humility. They rolled over for nine 11 can you believe that? An entire generation of baby boomers who were in the positions of power, who are in the media or wherever else like slaves, like dumb ass sheep and slaves, they wrote over for some of the most stupid frauds they wrote over for Robbie park and G Jean Rosen is a Bay is the quintessence of the kind of baby boomer we're talking about.

Speaker 13: (01:36:28)
Well, here's where I, yeah, these guys, you're right because they're ideologues. They're not just like, I'm in it for the crisis actor money. People like Jean Rosen,

Speaker 8: (01:36:38)
he's in it on second. We have a

Speaker 13: (01:36:42)
gene roses Rosen's in this thing because he is committed to the goal of disarmament as well as censorship as well as everything else. They're just, they're after the bill of rights. They're after property rights and because the end goal is the end goal for all the different ways that they approach it, it's the same end goal and I think it's just total control. And I actually think that the way that they're going to succeed with a communist revolution isn't going to be a repeat of Cambodia. It's not going to be killing fields. David Hogg's not going to put a red bandana on his head and start shooting old people. I think what it's going to be is the space program and migrating people into plantations far away.

Speaker 12: (01:37:23)
Well, we have to present people like David hog is victims in a sense of the boomers who are manipulating them, which is like his father probably if his father truly is an FBI agent. In other words, you've got to be really crafty about this because if they're going to try to use the generation of the, you know, a generation gap gambit against you, you've got to use it against them. That's what I say. Instead of denying it, instead of, you know, fighting the wave, just raw, you know, like, like ride the worm, you know, throw grappling, look into it mountains. Oh really? Oh, you boomers, as you say, the ones that are wearing the ponytails and now they're like aging communists or whatever they think they are. Oh really? You're the guy. You're the ones that rolled over Apollo 11 and nine will and F and for nine 11 you're the ones that wrote ever for Sandy hook.

Speaker 12: (01:38:14)
Oh really? That's how I think you should play this. I think you should humiliate him and rub it because the trend is going in your dream. In other words, every time is on the side of the hoax busters, the fake ologists, the auto hoax strategy time is on the side of that. You begin to see it because people see through all this stuff and now they're, they don't know what to do. Do we just laugh at it too? We know a lot of people just tuning out and ignoring it. I'm hearing that a lot. Oh, you can't pay any attention to that stuff? No. Yeah. And they don't even tune into it anymore.

Speaker 13: (01:38:50)
Well, I considered getting involved in this way. Last week I brought this up, I was like, well, why don't we start instigating a gun grab, let's get behind Beto who's a liar and I can prove it. Let's just start instigating a gun grab and see if we can't get the environmentalist's to start snatching guns from gun owners. And maybe that'll solve a couple of problems.

Speaker 12: (01:39:13)
Well, you want to put them on the spot. You know, I like, I don't know if that's the way to go, but I do like when that debate comes up, I do like the idea of putting people on the spot to show how, um, by opportunistically they're embracing one particular ideological issue, one position on an issue and abortions like that. A lot of things are like that. And th they're doing it, but it's be, it's at the same time, it's conflated with other issues and manipulated to be conflated with other issues because it's all being, the strings are being pulled from the top. So what you want to do is get into the gap, into the contradiction inherent contradiction, the logical inconsistency that Dan Roy's stupidity that they run into when they have to, when they have to bring one issue up against the other and see how stupid they sound.

Speaker 12: (01:40:06)
Like, for example, good example of this is the regulation of vaping to protect children. Uh, accounts are posed to mandatory vaccines where they cram like 20 vaccines, you know, 20 shots into an infant, mandatory compulsory. In other words, they're going to say the state owns your body enough to, for the body of your kids enough to force him to take it. However many dozen that vaccines are putting in that shot now. But at the same time, we also have the right to tell you. In other words, we're, we're looking out for your safety by telling you that, Oh, we have to regulate vaping. Even though medical authorities apparently determine that vaping is healthier than say, cigarette smoking or that it's healthier in general. But

Speaker 2: (01:40:59)
yeah, when did that change and you know really quick, I want to say, um, vape in peace to Ted summers, vape in peace. Uh, Ted SAHMRI died of vape AIDS. He was the 674th person. So I heard

Speaker 12: (01:41:15)
what if there's a Komatsu area, a geometry in that and the other one is of course it brings up the question of, um, well I guess it brings up the question of abortion in a way. I mean, how are you going to come down on abortion relative to vac? I mean, what's the point of being opposed to abortion if you're going to turn around and vaccine infant, you know what I'm saying and causes it.

Speaker 2: (01:41:40)
Oh, okay. That's a good one. So you can't be, um, against force vaccinations on principle, man, that's an interesting one there. I don't know. I'm going to have to do a Venn diagram here and see. Cause yeah, there are a number of points where they're mutually contradictory, where holding one belief would contradict the other. And I've seen that time and again, but

Speaker 12: (01:42:02)
the pro abortion people say call it choice. They say, Oh, you know, it's a woman's body. But then they really get run into problems. When you start talking about third trimester, you know, and infanticide, that's when they [inaudible]

Speaker 2: (01:42:14)
Oh, it's going to get way more complicated once we get into implantable wounds. Right. You know, if you have an implantable womb, can you have an abor like, is that a, you know, that's something that talking about like, like it's a real thing. And to me, these are just hypotheticals. It's like they're

Speaker 12: (01:42:29)
so donuts dollars to donuts, nay. Rao. All the organizations use the [inaudible] now they're establishment organizations, so-called women's organizations that are militantly pro-abortion essentially under the guise of pro choice. I'll bet if you pin them on this, they need to be nailed every time one of them shows up. They need to be confronted with your customer. You for compulsory vaccination of infants. Are you for the state of California and the state of New York forcing,

Speaker 2: (01:42:56)
wait, wait. Okay. So, um, people who don't, let's say vegans for example, there are some people who, um, they'll call you a bloody mouth if you're not a vegan. Okay. So, so they're on principle against the idea of, you know, violence, the violence of eating, living things. So can you be a hardcore vegan and also be in favor of infanticide? Like I wonder if you have vegans who are cool with infanticide, who would even eat babies make an exception. It's all the salad except for the occasional baby.

Speaker 12: (01:43:29)
Yeah, they're all for population control. I mean, isn't that the rationale for political or ideological view? I mean, I'm not talking about health veganism, but the vegans who are doing it because Oh, eating meat is, you know, they're, they be the same once you were saying we're overpopulating, which means too many people, which means that they probably be pro-abortion. So that's a great way to put them on the spot. That's okay. You know, that's the gap. That's the contradiction you find in these people who are like, they're, they're trapped in some kind of ideological, um, animal form, I guess, graduate and animal for them, you could call it. And as long as they keep neurotically retreading that same territory over and over again, they never break out of it. And they never questioned more fundamental things like, you know, what kind of planet are we on and why they've been aligned to us about it all. Yeah.

Speaker 2: (01:44:17)
Well they all end up in the same place nihilism where we have the Christians who are saying please God murder everybody. And then you have the environmentalist who are like, Oh an asteroid coming. Good. Mankind needs to die. So they all end up in the same spot.

Speaker 12: (01:44:32)
Yeah. Anyway. Only one more thing I wanted to say before I get off. Um, the, um, the deep faking of personalities of celebrity figures, even political figures. This is it in a way. It is very tricky because there are some people out there who knew her saying, Oh women, you guys are going, you're saying like Lester hold is really uh,

Speaker 2: (01:44:55)
Phillip crafty. Yeah, it's, it's hilarious, right?

Speaker 12: (01:44:59)
Yeah. They don't want to, they haven't really looked at it closely and they're kind of put off by the idea. But what I'm seeing is a lot of people out there, young people especially who are completely tuned out to pop to the, you know, political news and stuff like that. Cause they know it's all allies. They're tuned into the music and the culture and so they're looking at these celebrities. That's the narrative that they follow is some of these celebrities and when they get hip to something like a fake death, they start talking about, Hey, you see two still alive here and talking like that. Two bucks, maybe Prince still alive. Oh, what do you mean by that? You mean you think he faked his own death and that just opens the door? Well, God, how big of an establishment would you have to have to support such a such a myth? Such a mythology and what would be the motive behind it? Opens up the door, but you're right, the celebrity fake. That is a week. It's a kink in the armor. It's more than that. It's like a gap in the armor. You should definitely slide the dag or right in and twist it around. Right.

Speaker 2: (01:46:03)
Do you agree with our assessment that the Justin Trudeau blackface controversy was deliberately put out there to diffuse what we started with Justin Beaver,

Speaker 12: (01:46:12)
I got to say, I went out to do a Google search on Justin Bieber and, and weekend, and that's what came back. It said at first I thought, what does that have to? And then uh, Oh, they're talking about Justin Trudeau. What's this? I wasn't even aware of the story, so wow. The timing of it is unbelievable.

Speaker 2: (01:46:32)
Oh yeah, look, and this morning, okay, so we've been really hitting on this. Miley Cyrus playing a wifey for Stephen Curry and we've been saying this is a, a thing. Well, she ends up being discussed on Vlad TV where one of the hosts says Miley Cyrus stopped being black when it stopped paying. Like they start making, they do damage control like the day after,

Speaker 12: (01:46:56)
I guess. I guess we're, well, Steph Curry, he did. Didn't he discredit the Apollo moon landing is to say something? I don't know if he made the case for flat earth, but I seem to recall him. Maybe he was confronting that idiot on ESPN. Max Tellerman, I think really annoying character on ESPN. Max Kellerman was running around calling NBA guys idiots for, for, for doubting the, the authenticity of the Apollo moonwalks

Speaker 2: (01:47:29)
well, yeah, he played into it. He played into it. So you had Kyrie Irving said, think for yourself and then Stephen Curry comes along and he says, I think the Apollo was faked, but then he did damage control. He talked to Mark Kelly FaceTime on Instagram, said, and he actually said this, we should never doubt America and never doubt science. And he was rewarded with his own brand of shoes, which are horrible. They've got like, it's like a moon print on it.

Speaker 12: (01:47:55)
I would look at the timing of his alleged marriage to Ayesha. I would start looking at the timeline of that. That might tell us a lot more than that might confirm things

Speaker 2: (01:48:07)
or I you show it was on Hannah Montana show, but never in the same scene at the same time. So this is a parallel character in my view.

Speaker 12: (01:48:15)
So she's part of the Disney stable. They're all blown that out of Montana ER, that's all. They're all Disney properties. They are owned lock stock. They are Disney slaves. Disney children. Really. Anyway, a I appreciate your work and uh,

Speaker 2: (01:48:31)
yeah, absolutely. Thanks. Yeah, thanks for calling. Um, as always, um, and you have a great night

Speaker 12: (01:48:36)
and like I say, you'd be ruthless when it comes to the boomers.

Speaker 2: (01:48:39)
Oh yeah. We have it out for them. All right. Thanks man. Yeah, the, the angry ponytails, the, the pinch face, the frowny face ponytails. I've confronted them many times. Uh, it, you know, in fact, do you remember that movie princess bride with a Andre the giant? There was a scene where as there's this really angry lady. Yeah, the blue lady. Okay. This is pretty much what I saw last time. I went to a political rally. I went to a Trump rally and I was surrounded by these. I saw the same face at occupy wall street when I brought out my God bless capitalism sign. Then I went to counter protest earth day and I megaphone the crowd and I said, you've all been deceived and you're brainwashing your kids, which is a valid point. And I saw thousands of these faces and middle fingers. I mean, these people do not tolerate dissent and when they outnumber you, they just feel empowered to show their real. And that is what they all look like. Every single one of them. Even like Rachel Maddow, name [inaudible] name, any leftist, any political leftist of any age. This is what they look like when they get in to gatherings. A big numbers. It's like that invasion of the body snatchers.

Speaker 2: (01:50:07)
Okay? So Hey look, if you saw this poster on the screen, um, I put a link here. I'm taking a lot of my digital wrench ID penguins and putting them onto posters. There's a link right there. Also, if you get a chance, go to flat balls.com that would be one of our sponsors.

Speaker 2: (01:50:27)
Oh, we do have a daily premiere. I'm not going to talk about it very much. It has to do with the flat earth pizza gate, so you'll want to stay subscribed so you don't miss that. The flat earth pizza gate, there's a pizza gate meeting coming up in October. You may want to be looking into it. A lot of drama happens when you exposed a con when you expose any type of a controlled opposition. And at this point, you know, it's not even the globe obsessed, you know, um, debaters who just want to say, Oh you're dumb cause you don't agree. Those aren't the ones that give me any kind of crap. All the resistance we get comes from these people within the research community who feel like, uh, those of us who really don't go along with their religious agenda or somehow bad for their community. So they're actually on a hunt for us. It's almost like a cult in many ways. In fact, I would say it's a cold. Okay. I found what I was looking for here. So this was from breitbart.com Trudeau downplays Brown and blackface costumes as pranks and I had went, I created a dumb fake base on it. I'm like 99 actually. I'm certain that that story was contrived in order to throw this thing off.

Speaker 2: (01:51:57)
All right. Mike Johnson, thank you for the link. I appreciate that. I will evaluate it. A twitter.com/tim zero Z M a N that would be my account. Trying to see this. Anything else that I missed? This has just been so much going on this week. Um, we got, Hmm. So many things. I don't want to retread too much of what we already talked about this morning. Can I take one more call and then I'll have to call tonight? (505) 510-4226. Oh my bad. I turned the ringer off. I'm during the last call. A couple of things. The last caller brought up is this youth uprising and that's one of the things that they've done. You know, they have really created a narrative of scapegoating the previous generation and that's, you know, absolutely nothing new about that. That's how the communist have always, um, rolled in. It's, it's blaming not just generations, but also men. Blame women, women blame men. MIG Tao is feminism for men. Don't let any MIG towel believer tell you otherwise. Hey, what's up color?

Speaker 9: (01:53:30)
[inaudible] man, you're right.

Speaker 2: (01:53:32)
Oh yeah, absolutely. Uh, do you agree with our assessment here? About the deep fake reality and these celebrities playing multiple roles.

Speaker 9: (01:53:42)
Yeah man, I totally agree with stuff. I certainly agree with it.

Speaker 2: (01:53:46)
Now about the earth being flat, is that something that troubles you or are you accepting of it?

Speaker 9: (01:53:52)
Well, the theme flat or,

Speaker 2: (01:53:54)

Speaker 9: (01:53:55)
Yeah, I totally agree with earthy and flat man. Honestly, I think it is. What about yourself?

Speaker 2: (01:54:02)
Have you given any thought to what's at the edge?

Speaker 9: (01:54:05)
Well, the edge of the earth.

Speaker 2: (01:54:07)

Speaker 9: (01:54:09)
I'm hoping it's a big pile of cocaine and no black people. What about yourself?

Speaker 2: (01:54:15)
A big pile of cocaine and what

Speaker 9: (01:54:18)
and no black people

Speaker 14: (01:54:20)

Speaker 2: (01:54:22)
now your fault, you're calling from the UK. Is it racially diverse

Speaker 9: (01:54:25)
from London?

Speaker 2: (01:54:26)
How diverse is it?

Speaker 9: (01:54:29)
Well, what do you mean by that?

Speaker 2: (01:54:30)
Like I mean I'm wondering like if are you against other demographics in general or is it just blacks? How do you feel about Muslims,

Speaker 9: (01:54:38)
blacks, Muslims?

Speaker 2: (01:54:40)
How do you feel about Jews and Samoans?

Speaker 9: (01:54:43)
Jews and all of them. Somalians. Everything.

Speaker 2: (01:54:47)
So are you someone looking for racial purity and a lot of cocaine go with it.

Speaker 9: (01:54:53)
Mainly. But you see my mate Kevin Panari because in Canada he's with this girl called grace. He's a bit of a cold cat. He's a bit crazy. He's kind of into that solo shit man. But yeah.

Speaker 2: (01:55:03)
Okay. One more thing and I don't want to take up too much of your time cause you're calling from the UK.

Speaker 9: (01:55:07)
No, that's cool man. That's right.

Speaker 2: (01:55:08)
Okay, cool. All right. Yeah. So clearly you're just a troll. So what is your end game here? Like what is your purpose, just out of curiosity? Is it just random or are you somebody who has a dog in the fight as far as flat and round and all that

Speaker 9: (01:55:24)
to rape as many black people as I could.

Speaker 2: (01:55:26)
All right, so that sounds to me like some type of a sabotage call. I think that's what they're doing now. Uh, the color, I don't know if he's in chat and if he is gimme a URL. I'm curious though, you know, it's like, well, what is the purpose here? I mean, I really don't care that much. It's just like, if you're going to be a prank caller, don't be an unfunny prank color. I mean come on. But we've seen this before and we've called it out the VIN a number of times where like I had this one Marine, he said he's going to be a Marine and he said the same thing. So I'm like, okay, so like what you, and look, I don't think he's real. That's why I was talking to him. I don't think that was legit because ifs you look at the threat assessment and you look at what the FBI is putting out there saying that white people, racist whites are the new terrorists.

Speaker 2: (01:56:14)
So here this guy, he's like, Oh yeah, I think the world's flat and I hate black people. I'm like, Hmm. Sounds like um, somebody is trying to throw in some words that can be picked up and yeah, this is low. Just so you guys know this is low and how low they will go. Knowing that we don't need somebody to report the video and say, Oh, there's some racism here. The algorithms will do it automatically. So yeah, absolutely. Poisoning the well with trigger words. I'm not really bothered by it. What I'll probably do is just go through and mute out those sections. It's not a big deal, but yeah, I wanted to draw it out because he tried calling four times and I'm like, some guy from the UK keeps calling and calling. I figured it was a setup. Anyway, thanks for joining. This is one I Jack in the shells. Mud flood. I hope London gets hit by a mud flood tonight.

Speaker 1: (01:57:11)
[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] awesome. [inaudible] that requires [inaudible] [inaudible] there's no way you could have froze. Distance. Doesn't make sense. [inaudible] your system. I don't understand it. The look like flood building cause Greg photos [inaudible] we're just going to sync all the buildings that don't, ones that have the foundations built down. Maybe even separate from [inaudible] [inaudible] away from [inaudible] explanations. [inaudible] very much [inaudible] like you're supposed to [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible].